
Sunday, October 24, 2004


I read the other day that frogs are a litmus test for the health of the planet and the fact that they are reducing in numbers and various species are becoming endangered or extinct is a worrying pointer to mankind's future.

I've written about my friend the frog before, and here you will also find a link to a wonderful frog story at Cynical Rantings, but after last week's froggy experience, I can't really take seriously the concept of frogs' health mirroring the health of the planet.

At my workplace, a green tree frog has taken up residence inside the ladies toilet, and I don't mean inside the toilet area or the toilet stall, I mean inside the toilet! It's been there for two weeks. Mostly it's inside the bowl, which is kind of disconcerting when you have to sit. That feeling of being watched; waiting for something more substantial than a splash to land in a most vulnerable place! Sometimes it's inside the bowl but hidden under the rim - that's not too bad because you can pretend it must have gone away. But just when you think it's safe to go to the toilet, having not seen frogger for a day or so, you lean over to wash your hands at the basin, and there it is, sitting in the plug-hole.

Several animal-lovers have removed frogger to a safe site outside the building, only to have him appear again - back in his favoured location- the next day. I don't know how he gets back in because the door is always closed.

Lots of people use that toilet, so I reckon frogger has been subjected to about a thousand litres of bodily wastes at this stage, and he's still hopping. Maybe, if frogs are dying out because of pollution, we should be more scared than we realise!

// posted by night-rider @ 9:09 pm #
Maybe frogger is a "trough boy"..... It's a gay subculture thing apparently.... I dont think you want the details.
Well I'm always ready to learn. Maybe you could post about it? :)
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