
Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Frog stories 

I like frogs. Tonight I found a great blog where I found a wonderful -though somewhat sad- frog story. Sorry if the link doesn't take you directly to the post but you'll find the frog story easily enough with a quick scroll-down.

This reminded me of my friend Nicky the frog. Now I might have told you before that I live in a city a long way from all my family and old friends and sometimes that can get a little lonely. I spend a lot of time sitting on my first floor balcony watching the palm trees wave, and one night, discovered to my joy that I had a beautiful green tree frog visiting me. He was so handsome in his dinner jacket of lime green with bright yellow shirtfront and his big, black eyes followed my every movement. I called him Nicky.

Every night for 3 weeks, Nicky arrived seemingly from nowhere to sit by my chair and hunt the insects attracted to the light. He slept in the water trough under a pot plant during daylight hours.

Nicky and I bacame fast friends but then I had to make an interstate business trip for a week.

When I came home, Nicky was gone. No amount of crawling around peering into the watering holes under the pot plants could elicit that happy sight of Nicky's pointy nose and sweetly closed eyes.

I'd left watering and care instructions with my partner, but he didn't really like Nicky, and Nicky was prone to sitting in the middle of the door mat - right in the line of careless feet!

By now I had grave fears for Nicky.

Then, about a month later, he arrived again one night, bold as brass he hopped over from a palm tree and proceeded to gobble insects. But he never stayed around for long after that; just the occasional visit for a night or two.

Maybe Nicky found a mate and moved to a new home. I hope so - he was a great pal.

// posted by night-rider @ 1:07 am #
wow, my frog story got a link! oh, it was sooo sad. poor frog.

i need a moment......
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