
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

discovering new blogs and a line for today 

So, having decided to update my blog more regularly, I thought I should look for a few new links - many of my favourite bloggers having become quite inactive. I'm happy to say on my first search I found OMel and I reckon it's a cracker - light-hearted, funny and diverse. Then I followed one of her links and found Steph and it is if anything even more hilarious. My readers who were fans of Mellipop before she virtually gave up blogging will love them. Give them a try! I've blogrolled them, so you can click into them from my sidebar you non-bloggers. You have to go to the bottom blog roll because I forgot my account name and lost access to the original list - which is why I also can't delete the inactive blogs from the top list (sigh!)... mind you there are still some fine ones on that list too.

I'm so happy with these two - and am sure they link to others in the same vein - that I don't have to search for any more now.

My one-liner for today is:
2. She looked up and drew the perfect morning inside to sustain her


// posted by night-rider @ 1:03 pm #
Hey...I may not be blogging much but I'm still reading! Always glad to hear from you!
...and why aren't you blogging Daisy? I miss you!
Thanks for the shout out and kind words. :)
Geesh..Besides you-who really cares what I have to say?

Miss you too...glad you're posting a bit!
Nah, Steph's AWFUL and none of you should read her, lest she tempt you into using phrases like "fucktard" and "for serious" in every day life (ed: honest Steph, I think that's how you can find other Much Ado readers IRL, just listen out for a well placed "fucktard").

And thanks for the praise. I'm so getting a big head this week.
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