
Tuesday, February 06, 2007


The plumber's verdict is that the leak is coming from my bathroom. Better still, he can't find it, so we will need to get in the leak diagnostic team - 2 to 6 weeks wait and about $500 for the service. "When we find out where the leak is," he cheerfully imparts, "we will have to basically destroy your bathroom to fix it." KABOOM!

... and my watch stopped today as well.

The fridge however seems a shade cooler than it was and the TV started working again.

I think many of these problems are caused by high humidity (90%+) and well, the other one seems to be water-based as well.

Don't think I'll be taking any sea journeys in the near future.

By the way, those big photos further down the blog are stopping my links from displaying, if you want to see them, just click on comments and they'll display.


// posted by night-rider @ 11:51 pm #
I really feel for you--I hate plumbing problems! I wonder if they'll really have to destroy your bathroom. Maybe the leak will be in a place where they can fix it from your downstairs neighbor's ceiling. The ceiling needs to be fixed anyway, right?

I'd have to agree with the fridge and the humidity. Fridges have to work extra hard in high humidity, so maybe it's having just a bit of trouble keeping up.

Weird about the TV, though.

Hope it's going better now! :)
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