
Monday, October 16, 2006

Is Jupiter aligned with Mars? 

I've had a kind of freaky week. Are the planets in some sort of strange alignment? Do we have a sun spot shower or something?

This week:

Flew to Canberra (3500ks)for three days. Left at 2.20am, got there 9.20am. Ascertained that hotel had a dining room. Got back Sunday evening to find the dining room did not open on Sundays. The hotel was in an industrial area with not a shop nor restaurant in sight. Had a bag of potato crisps and a snickers bar for dinner.

Tuesday - Flew back to Darwin, arriving at 11.45pm.

Thursday - Friend tells me her husband has been diagnosed with artery problems and is in hospital having a triple bypass. She also says she's been feeling a little unwell and has had some tests.

Friday - dear family member goes into hospital for planned bowel operation. Problems worse than expected. Looking towards 10 days in hospital and a fairly protracted convalescence.

Sunday - Same friend (see Thursday) rings me. She's in hospital. She's had a heart attack and is awaiting possible transfer to same hospital as her husband for possible bypass surgery. She tells me another friend is in there with her. He was brought in by ambulance after suffering severe chest pains.

Monday - Get to work and our computers have undergone a 'migration' - needless to say no-one's computer works anymore. Takes till 2pm to fix the problem

Monday - Friend I haven't heard from for about 10 months text messages me and asks if I can get my stored belongings out of her garage in the next two weeks - yeah sure, I'm 3000 kilometres away and every time I've tried to do it when I've been in town she hasn't wanted to know... (huh!)

Monday - Arrive home to devastating sight. There is a very large tree in the neighbours' yard that shades the westerly windows of my bedroom - remember this is Darwin and daily temperatures range between 30 and 34 C all year. The tree has been cut down. Not trimmed; not lopped - no, all that remains is a 30 cm stump, a pile of sawdust and the sun reflected blindingly from my bedroom windows. I loved that tree. It gave me shade and privacy and a moving panoply of green to watch. Now all I can see is the next door building, the carpark and the bloody sun!

Tonight my best friend arrives for a two week holiday. Her plane gets in around 1am - please God... no more nasty surprises eh?

// posted by night-rider @ 9:52 pm #
I hope your week goes better!
Seems there must have been something going on to make things miserable for pretty nearly everyone last week. I had two acquaintances (husband and wife) die suddenly last week, another friend's hubby has taken ill, there were a multitude of school shootings and schooljackings going on over here in the US. Something's in the air and it doesn't smell pretty.

PS: I know how you must feel about your tree -it's always terrible hot and humid here too.

Oh gosh! I hope your time with your friend makes up for the "surprises!"

Be sure to come back and tell us how it went.
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