
Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Home is where the heart is! 

The stench of the dead flying fox placed in our communal
garbage bin this week gave new meaning to the smell of decaying flesh!
On the nightly news: scientists have cloned a human heart from a patients' stem cells and it's beating in the body cavity of some animal. From a selfish point of view all this says to me is that the technology may be available in ten years' time to keep me alive indefinitely as a very old person! Why couldn't they have discovered it when I was 30?
How old are Maggie Smith and Judi Dench anyway? I feel personal sadness in identifying more with them than I do with Angelina Jolie.
Every new wrinkle is uglier than the previous one. Laugh lines are one thing...but this is getting ridiculous!
What was that 50 year old bloke doing on Mount Everest anyway? Trying to make the rest of us feel slack?

// posted by night-rider @ 8:49 pm #
I wouldn't really mind getting older except for all the aches and pains. When I was younger, I'd roll out of bed, throw water on my face, drink some OJ, and I'd be ready to go. Now I wake up slow, listening to my joints pop, stagger into the kitchen for my fiber, stare mournfully at the clock as my body adjusts to another day, ease into a shower, and then finally I'm ready to go. It's just too sad to think about. :(
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