
Friday, May 26, 2006

The Proposition 

I watched The Proposition on DVD the other day; an Australian movie that got good reviews. The only negative reviews I came across were the ones that said it was shockingly violent. I kept checking it in the video store till it came on 7 night hire (because if I hire a one nighter something else always seems to come up and I can't get it back in time). I was quite interested to see it but found it terribly disappointing. The scenery was nice but I've seen it all in real life, so it didn't excite me unduly. The acting was okay in the main - nothing out of the ordinary. The story should have been interesting and exciting and moving but in the end it was just another example of how Australian films seem to wind around and around the point without ever making it and I was left feeling like I'd expected a meal and got a bag of fairy floss. Oh well.

While on the nightly news: East Timor falls into civil conflict, the little people suffer and all the world's assistance and the gains of the past 7 years are undone in a few days of violence and bloodshed - and here in Australia, warring gangs in the NT's largest Aboriginal community attack each other with spears and trash houses and politicians play to the gallery while the innocent know no peace.

// posted by night-rider @ 11:41 pm #
At least you got to the end of it. I fell asleep. Damn waste of seven dollars, that. Overnighter, of course...

Speaking of violent Aussie films. I actually hired The Proposition because I really wanted to hire Wolf Creek, but it was out. After sleeping like a baby through The Prop, when I did finally hire Wolf Creek, I thought it was amazing. Really well-paced, genuinely creepy, and despite the many negative things I had heard from people about it, not gratuitously violent.

I mean, my two of my best friends walked out on it at the cinema, claiming offense at a gratuitous rape scene. I sat on the edge of my seat for the whole movie, dreading the unfolding of this alleged "horrific and offensive" scene. Perception must be a weird thing because it never happened (?), so I was a little confused.

Good Aussie film. Serial killer Mick Taylor is the terrifying evil twin to Mick Dundee.
Mel - how good to hear from you. I've been following the exploits of the sinful staffies with much amusement and some sympathy. I saw Wolf Creek at the Movies and thought it terrifying, mainly because I've been to those kind of places and met that type of man and felt lucky to escape that kind of situation. How can they say gratuitously violent - haven't they heard of Ivan Milat? No way I'm ever visiting that meteor crater!
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