
Sunday, July 17, 2005

GameHouse Finale 

A quick update for those who have been following the great GameHouse fiasco, it has finally been successfully resolved, but not without a parting shot from the beautiful Keith in effect telling me I am an idiot, he's right, I'm wrong and I better realise it!


I have sent a second copy of your original receipt to your email.
It will have a link to download and your registration information. (emphasis added)

GameHouse Customer Support

Now my idea of good customer service at this stage would have been:

Hello, Obviously there's been some glitch between our shipping and your email address. I'm sending the receipt again. Please let me know if it's not in your inbox at the same time as this email. I do hope there are no problems this time and that you enjoy your game.

See Keith, that would have been customer service. a WIN/WIN as they used to say in the 90s. Nobody loses face, everybody goes away happy.

What is it with these people who have to be 'right' all the time at the expense of insulting other people's intelligence and hurting their feelings? I struck another in a work situation the other day. She'd sent me something, asked that I check the details and confirm they were correct. Only thing was, she was leaving the job at the end of the week and could I please reply to the new incumbent.

I checked the names and occupation details and confirmed they were correct. There were descriptions of events attached to the names that were supposed to be a summary of information I'd previously sent to her. These were very badly put together. There were grammatical and punctuation errors and one paragraph had been repeated. I corrected these errors in edit mode and sent the whole thing back to her successor, as requested. Trouble was, I did it on the Friday and she wasn't leaving till the Monday.

Back from her comes a reply - the new guy had obviously forwarded my reply back to her. "Those details were only to assist the judging committee. They will not be used for any other purpose. I cut and pasted them from your submission."

In other words - "they were YOUR mistakes, not MINE". And to this I say bulls**t!
Hello everyone out there - I AM NOT AN IDIOT!!! I could clearly see that she had cut and pasted my words. Only thing was that in doing so she would have had to change some of the grammar and punctuation in the new context and SHE DIDN'T! Also, I didn't have the same paragraph repeated next to itself...I checked!

I didn't bother to respond to her; she was leaving and I'd made the point that the words needed to be fixed if it was going to be used in advertising or something (which was a possibility). I've struck this woman before over the years and every time it's been the same attitude - aggressive self-justification.

Why bother? If there's a mistake, just go ahead and fix it is my theory. It's really not necessary to point the finger at anyone else to justify your own weaknesses and mistakes.

// posted by night-rider @ 9:43 am #
Thanks for the first class entertainment! Please understand that I don't mean to add insult to injury ....
You've hit it right on the nose Kay. Why is it that the ol' "Customer is always right" maxim has been replaced by "We're always right. Whatever you may think or know, you are wrong." It seems I get that in nearly every customer service situation I stumble into.

HR Lady
As a customer service person, I will tell you that the majority of my customers are nice, good people who help me help them. However, there are also many customers who are not always right, but completely freaking wrong. The worse part of my job is having to maintain the politeness as they swear at me and my company. Not fun.

However, in this case, the software company dropped the ball. A nice note of apology would have been appropriate. I find that in most cases, an apology and acknowledgment of having dropped the ball (which we do sometimes) goes a long way to maintaining friendly relations.
Kay, darling, by my calendar it's been a week since we've heard anything from you. I hope you haven't gone missing as I so often do... or gone over the edge over this whole customer service mess and been jailed for strangling the cheeky young man who failed to apologize. LOL

HR Lady
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