
Wednesday, June 01, 2005


OK, so I'm hooked on that game craze that's sweeping the world. They've been printing it in our daily paper and despite initial reservations, they are after all numbers in the squares and I am generally allergic to anything pertaining to numbers, I had a go. It's great. Reminds me of a game we used to play where someone would put 4 coloured pegs behind a visual barrier and the opponent had to guess what they were by trial and error with the first player giving clues by placing black and white pegs in the scoring section - white meant right colour in the wrong space and black meant right colour in the right space - I think it might have been called Mastermind. Anyway, Sudoku is a game of logic, not numbers. If you don't know it, you can see a demo and download a free 28 day trial version .

Also just finished reading a good book. It's only 243 pages so doesn't require a great commitment. Notes on a Scandal by Zoe Heller. It's about a female schoolteacher who has an affair with a male student and as if the subject matter wasn't kinda creepy enough, the narrator is an older female teacher who befriends the young one and the book turns out to be as much about her and her perceptions and feelings as it does the younger one - and she's REALLY creepy! Tell me what you think if you give it a go. It's quite addictive too in its way. You end up so repulsed by the narrator that you feel sorry for the perpetrator.

That's about it. Is anyone still reading this blog?

// posted by night-rider @ 11:01 pm #
Of course, I'm still reading! Every day! :)
Thank God. They let me in.

Answer: YES!

But that same crazy random door-bitch shit keeps happening with your comments.
I'm still here but a long way behind (as you can see). It was Mastermind, I remember the box cover had a picture of a man with a beard and a younger asian woman - trying to suggest something glamourous I guess. I've just found a pic:


In my family this was in the big box of games that used to come down from the loft for Christmas, along with Othello, Frustration, various dice games etc.
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