
Thursday, June 23, 2005


Mommycool is a new blogger who left me a message. Check her elegant blog. Interesting short posts set out in a well organised and crisp design, it promises lots of interest, particularly to young mums who can do with a bit of an escape hatch or some good advice.
One after another: a moving van, a furniture delivery van and a motorhome passed my door yesterday. It seemed significant in some way.
We had State elections here last week and the old conservative party was decimated by the young labor party - looks as though the conservatives will hold only 4 seats in the new parliament and even their leader lost his seat. An Aboriginal friend noted that we now have more indigenous people in our parliament than the conservatives have seats! An amazing turnaround when you realise that up till 4 years ago, the conservatives had held government in the Northern Territory for over 20 years without any serious challenge.

The Northern Territory has a reputation in Australia for being a 'red-neck' place but it's interesting to note that we also now have 9 women in Government and a female Chief Minister...maybe the times they are a changing.

I thought I had lots of little snippets to share, but can't think of any more now, let me leave you with this thought for the day:

Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not

// posted by night-rider @ 9:50 pm #
Hey there ... many thanks for the info - I've been thinking about the NT government recently ..... I know nothing about it. For some reason I didn't look into this sort of stuff when I was there last. I guess that's because I was still playing tourist.
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