
Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Nightcliff Foreshore 

The three photos below were taken on a sunset stroll along the foreshore where I live. Life in the slow lane, as my blog promises. It's almost like a religion here, you hardly see anybody in the heat of the day, then, when sunset beckons, hundreds of people wander along the foreshore to say goodbye to the sun. Groups of family and friends gather with their picnic chairs and anything from elaborate home-cooked meals to a couple of beers and a paper-wrapped package of hot chips. Lovers take a cooling dip laced with the excitement of a possible crocodile sighting or an encounter with the deadly sting of a box jellyfish. Some just sit alone and contemplate life as the sun sinks into the Timor Sea.

Random thoughts: I am truly over Chardonnay. The last couple of bottles I've had, despite going for the specials on the better quality such as Andrew Garrett with a $5 discount down to around $10 have just tasted horrible -bitter and dead. Has everyone else switched to Semillon Sauvignon Blanc too?

Gourmet tip: The most delicious nibbles in the world. South Cape Cheese Twists - Parmesan and Garlic. They're thick and crunchy and unbelievably tasty. They are displayed near the deli in Woolworths stores. Only they're a bit pricey, $4 a packet and you only get 12 or 13 in a packet. Mmmmm! I mightn't be buying them often because I've already polished off 7 tonight... er make that 8!...9... warning -there's 1730 kj in a pack...goodnight!

// posted by night-rider @ 9:20 pm #
God I hate chardonnay (though I'll drink any half decent wine if its cheap and white enough...)

I'm a huge sem sav fan. I so love the fact that there are tonnes of reasonably-priced great-tasting Aussie wines. Especially here in WA.

Can't do reds though. Yuk. Bad for migraines too. Though that doesn't ever stop me from eating copious amounts of chocolate. Mmmm...chocolate.
mmmmmm ........ wine and garlic ... I know what I'm having for dinner now!
You should try goat cheeses! You can't buy cheese with our label on it (except in Tassie) but all South Cape goat cheeses are made with our milk. Hey, Ad... How was dinner??
You mean there's a Brack's cheese label? Adam, you've been holding out - didn't know you were part of a dairying dynasty!
I just discovered shiraz a couple of years ago and still haven't tired of it.

Don't do much white, at all. But -- and I am ashamed to admit this -- I picked up a bottle of white zin the other dsay for the first time since THE EIGHTIES. It was quite tasty. Although it is just a step above Boone's Farm. :)
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