
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

new experiences 

Maybe I'm coming to some sort of water-shed in my life. I seem to have come to a decision - not consciously but through some sort of osmosis- that it's time to get out of my rut - work, wine, cigarettes, sleep, tv, computer treadmill. So at the weekend I did the Wordstorm thing. Then I saw an ad in the paper for a free information seminar promoting a weekend intensive workshop coming up soon.

"The Journey. Deep inside you a huge potential beckons, waiting to set your free... Real tools. Real answers. Real healing... Real Freedom!" So I went along. Hell, what did I have to lose; it was free, right?

I'm still processing what I heard. My mind tells me this is garbage. Someone is making a lot of money out of giving hope to desperate people. My heart says:'what if it's true?'. It's a feeling akin to the urge to buy a Lotto ticket -just in case it's your lucky day.

Now I very rarely succumb to the Lotto ticket syndrome, and I can't buy the 'making the lame walk and the blind see' claims of this program, and the format and the speakers were really over the top...but- what if even part of it's true?

I talked to people who were not part of the establishment but had dabbled to a greater or lesser extent. Without exception they praised what they'd learnt - 'changed my life', 'so valuable'. In the end I compromised and bought the book. I think it will be garbage - but I should try it. Watch this space for any revelations. I don't think I'm going to go all out for the intensive weekend.

The program is called The Journey and it's promoted by an American woman called Brandon Bays (can that possibly be a real name?). If any of you have heard of it, make a comment please. If it can deliver even a smidgeon of what it promises it will bring joy to every aspect of my life, spiritual healing and forgiveness for past wrongs (done by and to),and unlock the full potential of my life...oh and incidentally heal any arthritis or tumours I happen to be harbouring!

Sounds more like a religion than a self-help program doesn't it?
Which leads me to repeat this news item heard on radio yesterday>

"The IKEA catalogue has surpassed the bible as the most read publication in the world. " I forget the numbers printed in the USA but in Australia last year 213,000 copies of The Bible were published and 4 million IKEA catalogues. Bizarre!

// posted by night-rider @ 11:46 pm #
Just don't become a Scientologist.

I've actually seen her speak (my previous job was in the new age woo woo industry).

I was left feeling a tad underwhelmed, like she had heaps of warm and fuzzy anecdotes to share, but no real wisdom. But maybe that was because i had had a few beers beforehand...
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