
Monday, February 14, 2005

valentines day 

I was feeling a bit down. After all, it's Valentines Day, the day for lovers, and it's almost as bad as Christmas for bringing up regrets when you're without that special someone to share your life with. Dreamy love songs play endlessly on the radio. You feel you are the only person in the world that no-one could really love - you know how it goes.

A couple of good friends had sent me e-messages, virtual bouquets, that sort of thing, and that was nice, at least I knew someone was thinking of me and considered me a friend.

So, I'm off to night-class - drawing with coloured pencils this term - but I've forgotten my drawing implements, so have to duck home on the way. There on my doorstep was a most unexpected sight. Not one, but two bunches of flowers! There were no cards, no florist markings, absolutely nothing to say who they'd come from, nor for that matter, who they were meant for.

One was a lovely bunch of assorted flowers. The other was a magnificent bouquet of 11 deep red roses interspersed with babies breath. Bemused, I brought them in out of the heat and gave them a drink, then off to night class.

I was delighted. I've never gone much for gold and jewels (just as well because no-one's ever offered them) but I absolutely adore fresh flowers and perfume. But I keep thinking. I know they weren't for me. Is some other woman desperately unhappy tonight because she didn't get the expected Valentine's greetings from not one but two admirers? Is there a divorce brewing somewhere in my block because he says he sent them and she knows for sure he's lying?

...or do I have an admirer crazy enough to give me two bunches of flowers and not tell me who he is...or are there two of them? Is there some crazy person out there who bought up a bulk lot and deposited them randomly on doorsteps across Darwin?

Show yourself sir or madam. Whoever you are, I'd like to thank you for a very pleasant very surprising surprise.

And to that other woman in my building - I'm really sorry and I hope you get over it, because they really do care -honest they do!

// posted by night-rider @ 9:46 pm #
That is fabulous...I'm not one for flowers BUT flowers from a secret admirer is the best Valentine mystery!

Stop thinkin' that they are for someone else...

Obviously others know how great you are!
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