
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Tech's meme 

What is a meme anyway? Tonight I've paddled a dragon boat for an hour, talked to a friend, answered a couple of emails, forwarded a couple of jokes, had leftovers for dinner, drunk 3 glasses of white wine, assisted some neighbours with a loan and wondered where the hell my photos have disappeared to off my blog - I thought flickR was working but they've disappeared- and written a song of love and loss. Now, for lack of anything better to write about, I'm answering Tech's challenge with my version of the meme. Here goes.

50 Favorite Things
1. My favorite color: Yellow, red and purple
2. My favorite TV show: As Time Goes By and ER
3.My favorite movie: Pretty Woman and The Hours
4. My favorite drink: Wine,Tea and fresh brewed coffee
5. My favorite cookie: Macadamia shortbread.
6. My favorite candy bar: Snickers (me too!)
7. My favorite potato chip: Sour cream and chives Flavored Pringles.
8. My favorite hamburger: Hungry Jack's with smokey bacon and cheese
9. My favorite vehicle: That Chrysler that looks like a gangster car
10. My favorite author: I reckon Steven King is one of the most under-rated writers ever but I don't really have a favourite.
11. My favorite song: Folk music, classical and pop between 60s and 80s.
12. My favorite singing group: From the past Simon and Garfunkle (does that count as a group?)The Pointer Sisters and today The Waifs
13. My favorite food: Seafood (specially prawns), lots of vegetables and I can't live without a good steak occasionally
14. My favorite pet: My old dog Daisy followed by my old cat Kimba but generally I prefer cats
15. My favorite musical: Oh yeah, Man of La Mancha would be up there for me too. I kind of identify with 'destiny calls and I go' but I also loved Les Miserables and am old enough to remember how innovative Hair was in its day and Jesus Christ Superstar as well, not forgetting Fiddler on the Roof (I'm a musical fan from way back).
16. My favorite male movie star: That guy from Silence of the Lambs and Remains of the day is my absolute favourite and I can't think of his name at the moment to save my life. Robert Redford gets my heart throb vote.
17. My favorite female movie star: Meryl Streep (agreed) but I'd have to go for Dame Judy Dench with Julia Roberts a close second.
18. My favorite male TV star: The guy from As Time Goes By whose name also escapes me.
19. My favorite female TV star: Dame Judy Dench again
20. My favorite clothes: Anything soft and drapey and preferably silk.
21. My favorite computer: Anything that works
My favorite internet service: I like the no frills kind. I hate AOL because it's so pictorial and icon-driven
23. My favorite kiss: One that makes you feel you are loved
24. My favorite web site: Whichever answers my current question
My favorite religion: Christianity is the only one I know much about but Buddhism from what I know of it has a lot that appeals.
My favorite religious flavor: My father was Roman Catholic, my mother Presbyterian, I was brought up Presbyterian, dabbled in the Methodists, Church of England and Salvation Army before giving it all up in favour of my own personal communion with my God.
27. My favorite hobby: Writing and reading (yep - me too!) but add drawing and yoga.
28. My favorite wild land animal: How could one choose between a dingo and a giraffe, a tortoise and an elephant, a quoll and a big cat, they are all magnificent but if I had to choose one it would be my star sign, the lion, king of the jungle.
29. My favorite wild sea animal: Dolphins
30. My favorite political party: Anything slightly left of centre and green.
31. My favorite Congressman: Don't like any of them. I mistrust anyone who wants to hold a political office ( hear hear!).
32. My favorite president: I kinda liked Bill Clinton and of course JFK - maybe I have a fatal attraction for flawed characters. I dreamed last night of Bob Hawke, Australia's most larrikan Prime Minister and I think he was my favourite as well.
33. My favorite national park: Karijini in the north of Western Australia - fabulous deep sandstone gorges cut into desert.
34. My favorite national monument: Well icons rather than monuments, they'd be Uluru (Ayers Rock) and the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House. Monuments don't grab me all that much.
35. My favorite vacation spot: Tech says:"The beach. I haven't seen the ocean, but I want to." Oh Tech, that is so sad, the beach is the absolute best. I always go to the beach if I can. Make it a priority.
36. My favorite exercise: I'm not an exercise fan either. Dragon boating is the first aerobic exercise apart from walking I've taken since the 70s and it's enjoyable. But I do love yoga.
37. My favorite sleeping position: On my side or face down.
38. My favorite time of day: 6 o'clock drinks hour
39. My favorite sexual position: Hey, my friends and family might read this!
40. My favorite pickup line: I can think of a few but I've never used them!
41. My favorite charity: Whichever one comes around collecting.
42. My favorite blogger: Good answer Tech, I too have my favourites listed.
43. My favorite newspaper: I glance through the Northern Territory News each day but mainly because of work. Subscribe to Google News Alerts for anything I really want to know about in greater depth.
44. My favorite cartoon: Ginger Meggs - Australia's most famous cartoon hero and The Phantom.
45. My favorite superhero: Superman.
46. My favorite person: There's no way to answer this and remain on good terms with all my family. Let's just say my family.
47. My favorite plant: Anything with white flowers and perfume eg frangipani, gardenias, mock orange.
48. My favorite Star Fleet Captain: Kirk, of course (Is there another?)
49. My favorite blond(e): I generally prefer brunettes (female) but Robert Redford answers the bill.
50. My favorite saying: Heard a good one the other day "going through it with tooth and comb" which seems to be a combination of "fine tooth comb" and "tooth and claw"!

What did I learn about myself from this? Just that I can never choose just one thing.

// posted by night-rider @ 10:32 pm #
Now we know a bit more about you night-rider! Good reads lately. Do you mind if I answer that questionaire thing for my site one day?
Hey, you're a Leo, too! Cool. Don't know why, but it is. :)

Kirk's the man. I can't understand why anyone would choose Picard. I mean, he's okay and wasn't a bad captain, but Kirk rules.

Fiddler on the Roof is great.

Anthony Hopkins is the guy from the Silence of the Lambs and Remains of the Day. He's a good actor.

I'll have to research Ginger. Haven't heard of her.

Thanks for doing my meme! I learned a lot about you. Makes the person on the other end of the Net more real. Have a great day.
meme: term coined by richard dawkins in "the selfish gene" as an analogy to genes... basically an indivisable unit of self-replicating culture that survives or dies out - that thing where people thought bottled water stopped dogs shitting on your lawn was a meme, for instance. adopted by bloggers.
Adam; good to hear from you - I'm sure Tech won't mind if you answer the meme on your site as well; more the merrier I say.

Tech: Us Leos aren't supposed to be so sensitive - looks like that's just another way the world misunderstands us. By the way I haven't been able to post a comment on your blog for a couple of days. The technology doesn't seem to be working.

Nicholas: I think I get it. Seems like blogging itself would almost be a meme doesn't it?
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