
Monday, February 07, 2005

super-size me! 

Ohmigod! I watched this doco at last. All my friends have seen it and I wanted to but missed it at the movies. Saturday, with a nice cool, wet weekend looming and a pile of ironing to do, I got the DVD out of the video shop. The descriptions didn't do anything to spoil the impact of the real thing.

I was impressed with the cool scientific attitude - getting all the baseline tests done prior to starting the experiment- and with the dedication of the film-maker continuing to put himself through all that when he could clearly see what this diet was doing to his health and well-being.

What a marvellous tool to help people struggling with weight-loss. I reckon it should be compulsory viewing in all senior primary schools. And how evil are those big chain fast food purveyors. I never really thought before about how seriously they target children with their excessive advertising, nor about the long term effects of engendering that feel-good mindset in children so that they are drawn as adults to eat the same garbage.

I've never thought Maccas was all that bad, but then I guess I've never thought of people eating it every week or several times a week. And the amount of sugar in soft drinks! ...and the people who are fooled that they are eating 'healthy' when they order the salads (with as many calories in them as big macs) or the 'healthy' yoghurt option with as much fat as the fudge sunday! I must be terribly naive.

If you ever think about your weight and would like to lose a little or a lot or if you have young children (who of course love Maccas because they all do), then do yourself and them a favour and have a look at this documentary. I promise you won't be bored and it might give you a whole new inspiration to do something good for your body by keeping it away from processed, fried foods and sugar-filled drinks.

Last night I had salad and a boiled egg for dinner.

// posted by night-rider @ 9:28 pm #
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