
Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Please leave a message! 

No, not on the blog (although that would be nice too), I going to have a whinge here about people who ring you and don't leave a message. I mean that's why we have answering machines and message services right?

Tonight I had two calls on my home phone- which tends to ring just 5 times before it goes to answerphone . Consequently, depending on where I am in the house at the time, I don't always make it before the anwering machine picks up. If someone leaves a message, I usually get there in time to pick up. Tonight I got into the room in time to hear one word - it sounded like mum, the voice sounded deep, I thought it was one of my sons. I picked up the phone and the caller had hung up, the message machine hadn't kicked in to record the word, so there I was with an answered call, so I couldn't get the message from the unanswered calls facility, but unrecorded on the answering machine.

The voice sounded unhappy I thought, so I tried ringing my son.
No answer from his mobile - yes I did leave a message! Then I thought maybe the word wasn't 'mum', maybe it was 'bum' or even 'hello' - it really wasn't very clear. So then I texted the friend I thought it might have been - didn't want to ring her because I was still hoping if it was my son and he needed to talk to me he might ring back. Didn't get a text message back from either of them and didn't get any more phone calls either.

I'm not usually so neurotic about missed calls just had a bad feeling about this one - but hey, how hard is it to say who you are so I can ring back - a short call such as that wouldn't cost much at all and it would save me worry - or just say who you are and hold the line for a minute to give me time to get there -ok?


Had 4 hours to fill in today while my car was serviced and no other alternative really than to hit the shops. But I was good, I bought nothing I didn't almost need. One thing I do not need is clothes but I did pick up a great little cool summer shift dress for $5 in a throw-out bin. Now that' s the kind of bargain no woman could pass up. Spent an hour chatting to some guy I met in Woolies - he was really interesting - then came home and watched Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton in "Something's Gotta Give" which gave me some great laughs but I'm not sure anyone under 50 would relate to it - if you are in the right age group, particularly if you're female, I recommend it highly.

// posted by night-rider @ 11:47 pm #
Oh now, c'mon, Night-rider...I may not be in your "age group" but I can appreciate a Jack movie!

My favorite line...

Diane says, "You either hate me or your the only person that ever really got me."

Jack responds, "Well, I don't hate ya', sweetheart!"

It all made my heart melt. Old people in love...oops! Did I write that? *hee-hee*
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