
Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Why is it that love in all its guises seems to be so much more important to females than to males? OK, that is a generalisation and there are exceptions to every rule and it's really naughty of me to make such a generalisation based along gender lines and all that other PC claptrap but hey, it's true! This was brought home to me on last night's evening stroll when I heard the following snatches of conversation:

1. Group of 5 x 20 somethings - all female - "Yes - he's SINGLE!" - This one was still holding forth to the group half an hour later when I passed them going the other way; and guess what? The topic was still the same!

2. 2x 30 something women - "So what did he say?"

3. "Does she know?" (what he's doing?)

4. "She believes what he tells her and she won't listen to anyone."

5. " We had a great time - he seems to like me - I think he's genuine."

How do I know they were all talking about their own or someone else's love object? Well; body language, expression, the avidity with which their listeners were hanging onto every word? All of the above, but if you like, just call it woman's intuition. They were all totally consumed by and caught up in the subject of L U R V E.

Women do this, often to the detriment of other more important aspects of our lives.

Witness: Who buys and reads all the romance novels? "Who watches the period costume dramas on TV such as Wuthering Heights or the 6 wives of Henry VIII. Who buys all those magazines with Princess Diana on the cover (even 10 years after her death). Who still cares whether JFK really loved Jacqui or was on with Marilyn Monroe or how Hillary feels about Bill's betrayal with Monica? Equal numbers of men and women you say? Get outta here!!!

Do guys do the same thing - generally? No, they don't. If you hear a couple or a group of men talking, you can bet your Nellie they are not talking about what 'she' thinks or feels or does. No, what they are talking about is work or sport - sometimes travel, sometimes telling off colour jokes with some sexual innuendo, but never, never, LURVE.

They save that talk for us ladies. No matter how much he LURVES you, he's only going to say it to you; he's only going to think about it when he's with you and if it's ever a contest between spending the day at the cricket with his mates, or putting in those extra yards for the boss or talking to you, then don't hold your breath. He doesn't even know there's a contest!

// posted by night-rider @ 10:06 pm #
ok, night rider...don't shoot me, but I'm kind of relieved that men are so different then us when it comes to the matters of the heart. I mean, can you imagine them being so focused on the emotional aspects of love? Life would be very intense!

I do think that there are some guys that are more thougtful and considerate about love then others and I hope that my boys are like that!

(the whole paragraph about Princess Di and the things women love is SO ME!!! Every one....did you make that up? We seriously are kindred spirits!)
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