
Friday, December 03, 2004

End of year blues 

One of my kind readers suggested that I wasn't blogging because I'd 'got a life'. Another correspondent sent me an article about a meeting of bloggers that's happening soon in Melbourne, that read something along the lines of: all those loners and misfits that usually hide behind their computer terminals are going to show their faces to the world - well the truth is, I haven't got a life (more's the pity), I consider blogging to be a better use of my time than most of my other choices and I haven't been blogging because I'm just used up. Put it down to end of year blues. I'm tired, worn out, fed up and too plain uninspired to bore you with my thoughts.

This week I even had to have a day off work sick. This is the first sick day I've had in 5 years. I'm fortunate that way but hey, it hits hard when you chuck your guts all night, wake up several times with a raging headache and just feel so bloody lethergic that you simply can't be bothered making the effort. That's got to be state of mind. My normal attitude is that I'll be no worse off at work and being there will take my mind off my troubles. Well this time I just thought 'why' and the answer was 'why the hell should I', so I had the day off, slept for half of it, felt marginally better by evening, so forced myself to go to the final night of the flower arranging course.

The final flower picture is posted above. Fortunately or unfortunately last night was also our Christmas party and, having eaten nothing but a couple of dry biscuits all day, I wasn't up to doing justice to the party goodies, the most glorious of which would have had me blanching even on a good day.

Our very large, very happy German teacher proved why she is very large. She brought in some fancy ice cream full of swirls of unimaginable substances. She then topped off the large plates she heaped for everyone with a mountain of cream from one of those spray cans.

My stomach heaved a protest just looking at it. It was the kind of dessert you can imagine only an overweight 10 year old boy sneaking food from the fridge in the middle of the night would go for. I was kind of glad I had an excuse, but 8 other women politely plowed their way through it. I suspect a few even enjoyed it.

Tomorrow I'm working all day - going on a video shoot to Litchfield National Park where I will meet Mary G, the queen of the Kimberley. Mary G is a character invented by a clever Aboriginal man, Mark Bin Baker. She's crude, rude, funny and much beloved by Aboriginal communities across the Top End of Australia (our target market for the video). Should be a fun day and it might drag me out of my lethargy. It will be a long one, first light till last light and it's pretty hot out there just now, so I've catered for the crew and talent with a huge picnic and lots of soft drinks and if it gets too hot, well I'll just throw myself in a waterhole somewhere.

If the crocs and the leeches don't carry me off and I don't fall in love with Mary G and become a groupie, I'll be back to tell you all about it.

// posted by night-rider @ 8:54 pm #
Hey it's Adam Brack here. I would be very appreciative if you could help me with the blogger meetings especially the one coming soon in Melbourne because I shall be back there in a couple of weeks. I have not forgotten about you and I may come and visit next year! In the dry season!
Hey it's Adam Brack here. I would be very appreciative if you could help me with the blogger meetings especially the one coming soon in Melbourne because I shall be back there in a couple of weeks. I have not forgotten about you and I may come and visit next year! In the dry season!

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