
Thursday, November 25, 2004

Certified Creativity 

Tonight was the second last night of the flower arranging course and - can you believe it- we actually got a certificate to attest to the fact that we had attained skills in flower arranging. What sort of hopeless person would need a certificate like that? On the back it even lists the ubiquitouos 'outcomes' achieved. Nevertheless I have enjoyed the course, the fresh flowers it brings into my house each week and the company of the other class members. Tonight's arrangement was a minimalist modern arrangement in a glass bowl and you'll find the picture above this post (I can't work out how to put pictures inside a post).

Next week, for the big finale, we have to bring a fat candle to put in a Christmas arrangement. I think there is some kind of party going on too. This brings me to my second creative effort for the week. The Christmas cards.

Every year I make my own Christmas cards - for no other reason than I think bought Christmas cards are boring and like to send something more personal. This year I found a gorgeous picture on a photographic program I use which seemed perfect to describe my feelings and my situation this Christmas. It was a painting of a woman surrounded by tropical vegetation and seemingly talking to a bright red parrot, done in a style that appeared to me to be mostly Picasso with maybe a hint of Gauguin. Now I don't claim any great knowledge of art, so it may even be a famous painting by someone quite different, but anyway, I like it and I decided to try to copy it. I'll paint each Christmas card by hand this year I thought!

After 2 solid hours I have 4 cards to show for my efforts and they are not even very good copies. I think I'm going to have to find a less complex design or resort to photocopies of the original and a pot of glue. Pity.

// posted by night-rider @ 11:14 pm #
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