
Saturday, November 06, 2004

broken hearts and broken glasses 

Tonight I'm squinting at my Sony Ultra-Bright screen because my spectacles popped a lens and I can't screw them back together because I can't find a teeny screw-driver. They were supposed to be almost the same prescription as the previous specs, so why I can't see with these ones, I can't imagine.

What I want to share with you is a novel I just finished reading - The Naked Husband by Mark D'Arbanville. I loved this book. In fact, I'm not sure whether it can truly be called a novel because it's written in the first person and the narrator has the same name as the author. What do you call this kind of book? It's too introspective, too concentated on thoughts and emotions rather than action to be classed as an autobiography I think.

It's a classic love triangle. When the story begins, the love object has 'died' in a motor accident - or is it an accident? The narrator is obsessed with her and relives the course of their passionate affair and its effect on his life and the lives of his wife and son. We see the action through his eyes and sometimes through the eyes of his wife via her journals.

Does one identify with and understand these feelings because they are so intensely and truly written; or because all human emotions follow similar patterns when they encounter the same sets of circumstances?

I could identify with a lot of the actions and most of the thoughts and feelings of all the characters (but then I've lived several long and emotional lives!). I'd be interested in your take on it, if you decide to read it.

// posted by night-rider @ 8:40 pm #
I'm going to look for it. Sounds interesting.
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