
Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I lurve Wednesdays! Wednesday is my day off. I work a 4 day week which is somewhat limiting on the pocket but vastly liberating on my life.

Wednesday is like an extra day added to my life. On Wednesdays I can do whatever I like, whenever I like. Wherever possible I just don't plan anything. This means I can do exactly what I feel like doing at any given moment. If I'm feeling a bit off, I sometimes just stay home and read a book, look at the sky, maybe do a load of washing, maybe fiddle around in blog-land.

If I need to make an appointment of the doctor, dentist variety, then I can make one for a time that suits me - usually late morning- rather than taking whatever is available on an appointment-rich weekend day.

It's good for shopping too. Instead of knowing I absolutely must get to the grocery store before I succumb to starvation or must rush out to three stores to buy birthday gifts, replace broken items of household paraphernalia etc I can choose to do or not to do some of these things on my 'extra' day.

I can take my time paying the bills and not rush on and off the internet and the phone, all the time grabbing for the information I've left in another room - take it slowly, be methodical.

And at the end of the day, when I'm feeling too guilty and sluggish for words, because I've 'wasted' the day, I still have the energy to go for a brisk walk across the tidal flats or along the foreshore without dragging my work-weary bones to do it because I should!

// posted by night-rider @ 11:58 am #
I want a day like that! I want many of them.
Aargh!!! I hate that stupid guilt we get for "wasting" time. Such a particularly modern neurosis. I mean, add that to the guilt of eating the wrong things, not being thin enough, not spending enough time with our family, spending too much money, not earning enough money, not looking like Megan Gale, not being the fully self-actualised artist-poet-genius-trillionaire we are destined to be.....Aargh!!! Damn. Haven't had my coffee this morning. We all have our guilt tranquilisers....

Oh, BTW. Glad you enjoyed your Wednesday!
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