
Thursday, September 02, 2004

John Howard - Mark Latham ...and Trust Me! 

Maybe some reader can illuminate things for me. I keep hearing that our Federal election to take place on 9 October is "all about trust". I think it was the Honourable John Howard who first said it; but young Mark seems to be going along whole-heartedly with the theme.

"You can't trust John Howard," he shouts at every opportunity - "he knew days before the last election that no-one threw their children overboard!".

"You can't trust the inexperience of the opposition. You can't trust a Labor Government to keep the economy strong and balanced"

" You can't trust John Howard, he will not serve a full term, and remember the kids overboard!" trumpets Latham.

"You can't trust the Government not to sell the rest of Telstra, we'll make sure it stays in public hands and focuses on its core business." The opposition says. "And Howard was in it up to his neck in the children overboard scandal."

Excuse me, but with all this focus on trust, what I'm wondering is why the media and the opposition all keep going back, and back, and back (until every voter in Australia is bored to death with it) to the "children overboard" scandal.

Sure everybody in Australia who is not aligned with the Liberal Party is pretty sure John Howard knew those refugees didn't throw their children overboard, days before the last Federal election, and chose not to tell us but... excuse my ignorance...

Why is no-one mentioning the biggest lie of all - That we had to declare war on a foreign country that was not threatening us because "they had weapons of mass destruction" !

Hello - How about trusting a Prime Minister who will not lift a finger to force his great buddy George W to release AUSTRALIAN CITIZENS being held in unlawful detention without charges being laid against them for three bloody years!!!

Forget about children overboard - we know he did it. It was politically expedient and it won him an election. But don't let's lose focus here. Don't let's bore the voters so much they become innoculated to this man's poison.

What about the weapons of mass destruction John? We haven't forgotten them even if the media and the opposition have. We haven't forgotten y0u sending our young people into war so you can stand on the steps of the white house next to your little mate George, so that you both feel tall!

Just piss off John. There are too many truly good people out there now that are embarrassed to say they are Australian because of your political manoeuvreing and your lies!

Your bullshit that we went into Iraq to save the Iraqi people from an evil dictator is so much hot air - you know and we know, you said it was because he had nuclear and biological weapons trained on us - well where are they John?

Stuff the "children overboard" how about bringing our citizens home for a fair trial.

My vote for father of the year by the way; it's not you John - it's Terry Hicks!

// posted by night-rider @ 9:16 pm #
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