
Tuesday, July 27, 2004


My blog got a google hit yesterday from a charming person in Estonia who searched "sweet very young girls nude photos" - holy hell, what could I have ever written that would return sweet sweat from that search? Oh, I get it, it's the sweet in sweet sweat!  I continue to get searches from various parts of Asia for sweet sweat, which I'm still assuming are looking for a product to ease their body odour.

And on the subject of visitors to my blog... why are you all so mean? How come it's only Tim from New Zealand who is the only unknown reader to pin my map (thanks Tim!).  I want lots of pins and I know you read it, would it hurt you to put a pin on a map? - I don't think so! I won't get your email address or anything, just the pleasure of seeing where my readers come from.  Go on, do it now and make my day!

Had an unexpected phone call last night from a former work colleague - doing the grey nomad thing with her husband and, landing in Darwin, thought she'd look me up.  We're having dinner tomorrow night and even though we were never friends when we worked together, it will be nice to see someone from the Gong.  My family won't come to visit no matter what inducements I offer, including paying their fares, and it sometimes seems very strange to be living in a place for 4 1/2 years with no member of my immediate family ever having seen it.  It's not like I'm inviting them to Siberia. After all, the temperatures here at the moment are a dry and pleasant 18 - 30 degrees whereas Sydney is lucky to get 18 maximum with rain, wind and possible snow!  Must be my winsome personality keeping them at bay!

No visitors: No pins - oh woe is me. Think I'll just take off to Broome for a few days at the beach to cheer myself up!

// posted by night-rider @ 10:05 pm #
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