
Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Wednesday wanderings 

Today I had a day off work. I love days like today when I don't have to leave the house. I didn't even get dressed till 5.30 when it was time for my walk. Slobbed around all day, read snatches of the fairly crummy novel I'm currently reading, did a bit of washing, made a few phone calls, trawled a few blogs, wrote a few emails, made a big pot of soup, and put in three hours on the dreaded middle management course. Still, I'm one lesson ahead of the game now and only one more to go. Yay...I might take up an interesting course when this torture is over.

While I was doing all these things I was thinking of lots of little tidbits I wanted to share on the blog and you know what, I don't think I can remember any of them now.

One thing I did do was attempt to join up to 'Women Bloggers' for which I'd found a link on someone else's blog. Can't share it with you now because I've lost it. I spent 1.5 hours there, managed to join the basic group, but was informed I needed to put a piece of code into my template - at least that's what I think they were saying. I found it all very confusing. Anyway they gave me the code which I duly copied, went to my template to enter it and it wouldn't paste. I spent all the rest of the 1.5 hours trying to find that piece of code again on the women bloggers website. It kept directing me to a link I swear didn't exist. In the end I got totally fed up with the whole thing and deleted my details from the site. What a waste of time.

New things I've learned this week are: kangaroo meat contains many times more of some good cholesterol-fighting fat than either beef or lamb which were the only two previously known sources of it. The Ghan and The Indian Pacific trains each have a smoking room which I'm assured is bigger than a toilet and has lounge chairs in it. Nobody answers the phone at our local alternative theatre when you want to book tickets. Citibank still offers one for one transfer of award points into frequent flyer points (put that in your pipe CBA). When I walk I don't get leg cramps at night...and men don't find those bare midriff styles attractive when they are sported by what one correspondent called 'a teenage body that looked like a melting ice cream cone'.

My eyes are killing me from wearing new glasses for four days. I hope I'm going to get used to them soon. I have a cough that won't go away and the only thing that keeps it under control is having another smoke... hmmm something faulty about that statement I fear!

// posted by night-rider @ 10:51 pm #
I've had trouble trying to link properly with some of those webrings as well. I chalked it up to not worth the effort.

I just hate when I have dozens of interesting things to blog about which all disappear when I sit at the PC.

Bodies like ice cream melting -that's priceless. I've seen women my own age (and not with the bodies for it wearing those midriff styles and I found it disgusting -even more so when they've pierced their navels. Nothing wrong with it, if it's done tastefully and if one has the body for it. Just because it's fashion doesn't mean it's meant for everyone.
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