
Monday, July 05, 2004

Political comment 

I've just been over to Darren's living room (former home of blogger idol)and checked out a few of the blogs on his lists of 'underbloggers' - blogs that don't get the attention they deserve. There seem to be hundreds of them and I must admit to only sampling a few, but I'm amazed how political most randomly sampled blogs I find seem to be. Especially the American ones. Reams of writing on this Republican Senator or policy or that Democratic nominee or particular political sex scandals (yes it seems Bill's not the only one doing the dirty deed outside the politically acceptable norms). And the ones from Oz mostly seem to have some sort of political comment as well, even if it's sporadic.

But the really interesting thing is that most of them are preaching to the converted - everybody wants George Bush out of the White House and nearly everybody wants John Howard out of the Lodge in Australia (except for those who are afraid the alternatives might be just as bad or even worse). It's like being on a merry-go-round or trapped in a revolving door sometimes, reading all these erudite remarks basically saying the same things.

For some (not so light) relief I found a gay/Christian/Academic blog, which was a novel concept, especially the prayer for the queer community (his words not mine - I wouldn't dare!).

...and what's happened to blogger idol anyway - I loved that segment, it gave me at least one interesting topic to write about each week!

// posted by night-rider @ 10:54 pm #
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