
Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Living on Dowdy Street 

On my way home tonight I passed a street I must have passed hundreds of times before, but for the first time, I read the street sign. It's called Dowdy Street. Now how would that make you feel? I can see myself giving my address to a new friend: Oh yes, I live at 1/17 Dowdy Street - or filling in an official form - Address:..Dowdy Street. No, I doubt anyone who lived on Dowdy Street could be successful.

And on the subject of names - what are all these weird names people keep giving babies these days? Pop culture gone mad! As if living on Dowdy Street wasn't bad enough, how would you be if your name was Apple (yes, your Christian name, not your surname) Hi I'm Apple Smith and I live on Dowdy Street. I heard that's what one famous mother named her child. There are a few recent beauties of my own acquaintance, but I'd better not mention them here for risk of offence. Talk about going to any lengths to be different!

// posted by night-rider @ 9:49 pm #
I was completely apalled by the name given that poor baby. And ashamed of the celeb who clearly did it for more media attention.

If you think Dowdy Street is bad, you'd really be shocked by the fact that we have a town named Intercourse PA, which is inhabited almost entirely by the Amish -a rather strictly religious community who shun modern life -automobiles, television, telephones, electricity, etc.
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