
Saturday, June 19, 2004

Going visiting 

Tonight I was very tired and only turned on the computer to check my email - big mistake! Three hours later I'm still glued to the screen. What happened was that I decided to go visiting - trawling through various blogs that I've linked or saved in favourites for various reasons, but mostly because I had a quick read and thought they were brilliant and I absolutely needed to go back and check them out regularly. There's never enough time is there to check out all the clever and insightful words and pictures in the world of blogging. It's so much more satisfying than visiting in person - where you inevitably get caught by the least interesting person in the room and are imprisoned by politeness into wasting hours of your life. With blogging you can meet people you would never have met, read their innermost thoughts, most intimate secrets, political opinions and just everyday happenings - and if you aren't in the mood for that person tonight, well just click on another link. I love it!

// posted by night-rider @ 11:32 pm #
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