
Tuesday, June 29, 2004

can't handle all this socializing 

I'm becoming manic. Since joining FLM, I've got 5 new email correspondents and I'm anxious to get to know all of them because they are all fascinating people. On top of that are the usual friends and family emails and this week two birthday functions and a farewell dinner in the real world plus working on another lesson for the dreaded management course. I'm usually such a hermit; for instance the highlights of my weekend were a long walk on the beach, a pampering foot-bath and having my eyes tested - so you can see why I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Besides, all this emailing and socializing is keeping me away from my blog - oh decisions, decisions!

// posted by night-rider @ 10:55 pm #
I'm in exactly the same place. In addition to FLM I've got snail mail correspondence to take care of and a bunch of requests from some of my retired church friends for computer help -ever since they featured me in the bulletin as proficient with computers, everyone knows my name.

No matter how busy you are you need to take an hour for your hermitish long walk on the beach. I'm the same way and if I can't steal an hour to lay down quietly with a book I lose it. Relax and know I'm thinking of/praying for you.
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