
Sunday, May 30, 2004

suddenly single 

At the age of 57 I find myself single for the first time in my adult life - no longer half of a couple - a femme sole. What a strange experience it is - needing to leave the house if I want company. Making solo social arrangements. I must admit to being something of a hermit by choice and it's a bit of a force-feed to actually accept invitations, go out, make conversation - though not necessarily unpleasant.

The thing I find most difficult is to shop for one. I walk around the grocery store and can hardly find anything I need, and the shopping trolley looks so pathetically empty. Buying 2 onions, 2 potatoes and 2 carrots at the vegie markets produces some strange looks too - the stallholders tend to throw in an extra one - perhaps they think I have fallen on hard times.

Good things about being single: The groceries cost less, you don't have to cook, clean or wash for anyone else, you have more time to BLOG, you can sleep in the middle of the bed, you become more sociable and embrace new experiences.

Bad things about being single: The few groceries in the trolley look sad and pathetic so you buy too much and have to throw stuff away, no-one cooks, cleans or washes for you, there's no one to warm your feet on the one cold night of the year, being sociable is a lot less comfortable than cuddling up with a good book and sharing companionable silence with a significant other...AND YOU SPEND TOO MUCH TIME BLOGGING AND DON'T GET ENOUGH SLEEP!

Oh, and please leave your comments in the comment space on the right of the page not the one on the left - I'm unable to access the one on the left and am waiting for someone clever to delete it from my template... whoever left the comment on the dragonfruit, could you please leave it again on the right hand side - thanks.

// posted by night-rider @ 11:44 pm #
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