
Sunday, April 18, 2004

clarification (as the papers say) 

The written word is sometimes a terrifyingly inexact thing. My last post contained musings on the differing natures of people and how these natures affect the dynamics of relationships. It contained examples gleaned from many years past and was not directed at any particular person.

Since posting it, two people close to me have remarked that they thought they knew who some of the examples referred to. They got it wrong. Neither this person, nor her children featured in any of the examples. I can understand them thinking she might - she is definitely an 'obliger' but I have to say that she pretty much proves the exception to my rather broad-based premise and she is the last person in the world I would criticize or wish to hurt. Thankfully I don't think she reads blogs but it just goes to show how careful you have to be when expounding on your own half-baked theories in the blog.

// posted by night-rider @ 9:11 pm #
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